Charlie Martin
God’s will for our family was to be given an incredibly beautiful gift, our son Charlie. We did not know at first how special he would be and how much having him in our family would change our lives. We found out Charlie’s diagnosis while he was still in utero. The doctors gave us a very grim prognosis and encouraged us to abort. They told us Charlie’s quality of life would be so low and he would most likely never celebrate his second birthday. We knew God’s plan was for us to have Charlie and we committed his life into His very capable and loving hands.
Charlie was born on November 11, 2015. We didn’t know it was possible to love a little person so much. Charlie has endured so much in his short life thus far, but he is such a trooper. He has amazed us as we’ve watched him grow and reach milestones we never knew he would reach. He is very social and being with people is his very favorite thing. Charlie lights up our whole world and teaches us many things. We have learned that you don’t need words to communicate love. We’ve also learned to never take a single day for granted. We are committed to giving Charlie the best quality of life and our prayer is that his life will point others to his Creator. We don’t know why we were chosen to have this incredible gift, but we are so very thankful!