2025 RhizoKids Conference

July 22-26

Children’s Harbor

434 Children’s

Harbor Drive
Eclectic, AL 36024









Our Story

From the beginning, RhizoKids International recognized that some of the most valuable research would come from a hands-on examination, along with long-term tracking of each child with RCDP. In order to gather this information, RhizoKids International sponsors an annual conference held in Alabama.
RhizoKids International provides all meals and access to leading RCDP experts from around the world. Lodging is provided by Children’s Harbor through a generous grant funded by private donations. Any family that has a child with RCDP is invited to attend the yearly conference. Families have come from as far away as Australia, Scotland, and Canada, while doctors and researchers have been brought in from as far away as Austria and the Netherlands. The only expenses a family will incur to attend the conference are their traveling expenses.

During the conference, scientists will present the findings from their research, and interview each family to obtain the medical history of their RCDP child. The children will also receive an individual medical exam, performed by the world’s leading RCDP researchers, including Dr. Nancy Braverman (McGill University, Canada), who is the medical liaison for RhizoKids International, Dr. Mike Bober (A. I. duPont), Hong Brereton (John’s Hopkins), and Dr. Joe Hacia (University of Southern California).

Recap from the 2018 RhizoKids Conference

Event Details


Date: 22-26 July 2025
Location:  434 Children’s Harbor Drive
Eclectic, AL 36024

Predicted Weather

Temperature: 88°
Rain: 60%
Humidity: 80%
Wind: 6mph