Megan Guenther
MEGAN, born on February 28, 2012 (7lbs 10oz, 3,47kg) with RCDP. Megan was a happy Baby, she would sleep just like a heathy baby, she was doing very good with breast feeding (not so good with bottle). Megan also has Short Gut Syndrome
which means she lost half of her bowel. Megan has started seizing just after her 2nd Birthday. Teething late, started after
she was 1 year old, now she is 2 and half years and only has 8 teeth.
– born with a small heart problem
– cataracts in both eyes, developed after 1 week of life (removed at 6 weeks – 7 weeks of age, each eye separately)
– joint pain, stiffness
– problem swallowing (no more oral feeds after her bowel loss)
– G-Tube placed at 5 months
– seizures started just after her 2nd Birthday (on seizure medication)
John & Viktoria Guenther
361 Willow Dr.
Winkler, MB, Canada
R6W 1H4
[email protected]